We’ve gained our FSC® Certification

We where honored, when we achieved one of our business targets last year:

The Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC-C118653) (FSC®) gave us an official FSC® Certification.

What does it mean when looking at our products? How does it influence your job?

What is the FSC® Certification good for?

FSC® was created to secure the forests’ sustainableship. The fact, that they look after more than 25 million acres of forestry worldwide following FSC® rules, proves the success of the system.

FSC® certified can be any wooden products, which complies with the rules of FSC®.



How does it affect your job?

If you’ve found in our repertoire the best pallet solution for you, you can order it with FSC® Certification. Support the idea of the sustainable usage of the forests, is s milestone of our job.

Please find the best pallet solution, which suits your ideas »

If you have further questions regarding the options of FSC® certification, please don’t hesitate to contact us »

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Golden Pallet Ltd. Telefon: +36 (23) 446-000