Our website won a Quality price

Our company was honored: The Hungarian Marketing Association rewarded our Website with the Quality Price in 2011. In the valuation apart from the nice design they have pointed it out, that the site has a wide range and useful information’s for the users.

We are amongst the “BEST” in our category

Golden Pallet Ltd. Was in 2011 amongst the Website of the Year competition, and where amongst the best in Industrial Web category.

The judges pointed it out, the “Pallet World” seems quiet boring to most people, But the website of Golden Pallet Ltd. proved that the manufacturer can provide it’s partners with useful information’s about this industry.

Record amount of competitors

For the title of the Website of the Year 2011, there was a record amount of competitors: in 25 categories, 314 websites all-together.

The outfield was great this year again. Many outstanding competitors from different industries.” – Said István Varga, one of the founders of the Website of the Year.

The Ceremony Awards where in Hotel Hélia, in Budapest, 02.12.2011. Where the creator and implementer of our website Kreatív Vonalak Kft.

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Golden Pallet Ltd. Telefon: +36 (23) 446-000