By virtue of the grant from the European Union and co-financing by the European Social Fund, we carried out yet another business development and improved our infrastructure.
Beneficiary: Golden Pallet Kft.
Project title: Golden Pallet Kft. trainee project. Contracted grant amount: HUF 7,727,930 Grant rate: 100%
Project scope: Employment of 3 trainees for a period of 9 months followed by 4.5 months of additional employment to promote the direct creation of workplaces as well as the utilisation of their qualifications obtained at school. The project also includes the development of the IT infrastructure by the following purchases: 3 PCs, 1 printer, 1 industrial PC and a NAS data storage system
Scheduled project completion date: 15/08/2018
Project identification number: GINOP-5.2.4-16-2016-00985