Assisting education for environmental awareness

As a result of our co-operation with the Promote CEE civil society organization, books have been given to the Lurkófalva kindergarten in Füzesgyarmat on 26th October 2017.

The founders of Promote CEE is working on a daily basis to make kind, inspirational and educational tales.

This common goal brought us together, and as a result, our company bought 172 tales from the authors and donated it to the kindergarten.

Our company has noticed on the homepage of EPAL the book “Big Tree Planting”, whose basic idea is the same as the environmentally responsible operation and social responsibility of our company, which is also a high priority in our work. In 2013, we committed ourselves to the principles of the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) international organization, one of the first ones in Hungary. This makes us completely disassociate from illegal logging, the destruction of great conservation values, and the violation of traditional and human rights in forestry activities.

The first book of the “Tibi tiger” series – whose authors are also connected to Füzesgyarmat – is entirely identical to the „Big tree Planning”.

The book presents the environmental solutions to be followed in the children’s language, illustrating joyful drawings, dealing with the protection of forests, trees and the importance of tree planting. This book is a good opportunity to show our children that with little concern, with a little action, we can do a lot to protect our environment.

The head of the kindergarten emphasized that the institute has been preparing for environmentally conscious lifestyles for more than ten years, and another excellent goal could be achieved through the cooperation of Golden Pallet Ltd. and the Promote CCE civil organization.

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