Site development with the Support of EU

To be able to produce our products the best quality, we have a target to update our infrastructure and production technology continuously.

We had an opportunity again, to have the support of European Union and with the co- finance of European Regional Development Found to complete the following development works:

  • An 800 m2 sized new production hall (pallet nailing factory) which will also have a 124 m2 sized covered storage. Thankfully to this the production can move to European standard.
  • It is our target to renew, our social building’s and office’s, and the 80% of the pavement on our site (Totally: 3.672 m2). This not just only would make our area more presentable and more modern, but a 40 Tons carrying capacity road will be there for our customers and suppliers.
  • With the modernization of our electric power transmission network, our production lines will be more modern and more stabile.
  • To create a prettier environment, we’ve built a new drainage channel (totally 8 peace, 236 meters worth of drainage channel, and pit)
  • Our target is a purchase of new, modern technologies and devices ( i.e. CAPE 90 degree pallet turning unit, HTR 100 Traditional board dryer and heat-treating chamber and a VITOPLEX 200 tip low temperature gas heated boiler)

And this isn’t all!

Thankfully to the development we had an opportunity to start 2 shifts in our factory, creating new jobs.

With the renewal of our technology of our products can get to exceptional quality, to reach this thorough a more efficient workflow.

So with the co-finance of the European Union and with the European Regional Development Found, we’ve used up 89.077.390 HUF foundation to cater for the needs of our suppliers and customers a 100%.

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Golden Pallet Ltd. Telefon: +36 (23) 446-000